What Material to Choose for Your Kitchen Cabinets
There are many beautiful materials you can choose from for your kitchen cabinets. Below, you can find more information about some types of wood you should consider before hiring a carpentry service provider to make the cabinets you want.
Cherry – It’s characterized by its red undertones, but may vary in color – from a deep rich brown to white. Cherry is of a close-grained, smooth appearance and with a fairly uniform texture and random markings. Because of its even grain, the finishes can be applied with ease.
Maple – Cabinets made of this material are usually white to creamy-white with the occasional reddish-brown tones within the door panel. The subtle grain pattern of this wood creates a smooth and uniform appearance.
Oak – These cabinets have distinct grain patterns and can be in white to a pink and reddish tone. Some streaks of yellow, green, and even black can appear because of the mineral deposits in the wood.
Alder – These cabinets are characterized by reddish and light brown undertones. This type of wood has straight and even-textured wood grain with no clear boundaries between the sapwood and the heartwood.
Hickory – These cabinets have a naturally contrasting appearance because of the heartwood and the sapwood of the Hickory. The color can be reddish-brown, dark brown, as well as blonde, or white.
Birch – These types of cabinets have a smooth surface texture with a tight wood grain, which is heavy and strong. The sapwood, which is predominant, is white to creamy yellow, and the heartwood varies from medium and dark to reddish-brown.
These are just some of the types of wood you can choose for your new cabinets. In case you need more information and help to choose the right one for your needs, call Apex Custom Homes. We are a carpentry service provider with lots of experience who is helping out the people of Greenville, SC. Dial (864) 392-8092 today if you want to find out more!