Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 392-8092

Insights From Your Reliable Cabinet Maker

Why Holes and Cracks Occur on Cabinets

Holes and cracks in your cabinetry can ruin the aesthetic and structural integrity of your kitchen. Don’t let the wear and tear of time break the beauty of your cabinets, read ahead to learn 4 quick fixes for common issues with cabinetry and how a trusted cabinet maker helps.

Moisture Damage

Cabinets are susceptible to moisture damage which can cause wood to expand and contract, leading to holes and cracks. If you notice these signs of damage, use a dehumidifier and/or apply a sealant to the problem areas. Applying a sealant helps prevent further moisture damage and can extend the life of your cabinets.

Poor Construction

If your cabinets were poorly constructed, you may start to see cracks and holes over time. If the holes aren’t too deep and wide, you can fill them with wood filler or a similar product for a quick fix. If the cracks are wider, try adding additional screws to repair the joints which will help reinforce and strengthen the cabinet.


When cabinets weren’t designed to support heavy items, overloading them can cause them to crack. Spread out the weight or rearrange the items to prevent excessive weight on one side. If the cabinets are older, it may be wise to reinforce them to ensure they can support the weight over time.

Poor Maintenance

If you don’t take care of your cabinetry, holes, and cracks are more likely to occur. Dust wood surfaces often, avoid using harsh chemicals to clean, and inspect for potential issues such as rot, pests, and moisture damage on a regular basis. Proper maintenance is essential for keeping your cabinetry looking and functioning at its best.

Don’t let holes and cracks reduce the appeal or durability of your cabinetry. When holes and cracks start to appear, keep in mind the four tips discussed to prevent any further damage.

For the best results, contact Apex Custom Homes for a professional inspection and repairs for your cabinetry. We will assess the severity of the damage and help you find a long-term solution for all of your kitchen needs. We’re also a trusted cabinet maker in all of Greenville, SC for the quality services that we bring at reasonable costs. For inquiries, call us at (864) 392-8092!

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